Victim Blaming Report from RBB on our Rally 25.11.20 at Eisenhüttenstadt

On the international day for the elimination of the violence against women we – Women in Exile & Friends – and supporters, held a rally against Eisenhüttenstadt camp. We were demanding justice for Rita and said loud and clear: lagers are not a safe place for women and children!

In our press release we talked of reports of rapes and sexual harassment against hetero-women and lesbians, which are occurring in Eisenhüttenstadt despite of the so called “safe house” block 18 which is supposed to house vulnerable refugees.

It is a shame that the RBB reporter Marie Stumpf, after making interviews with some of us, does not quote or refers to our PR. She only quoted the white German male Manager of ZABH and ignored our reasons and demands concerning this Lager. Secondly, she reports that the woman who survived rape, went to a party in the neighbouring men block. Does she want to tell us that women should get raped if they want to party with men? Does she by any chance know, how it feels to live in isolation? Has she ever lived in such a camp? Sure, she also interviewed one of the security men and the manager, who ask the women to stay in their room in the so called „protection house “in order to keep safe.

This is blaming the victim! Marie Stumpf: you silenced our antiracist feminist protest and blamed the victim. When other million women were matching to condemn the violence and act worldwide, she comes and justifies the rape acts in the camps.

Dear Marie Stumpf, dear RBB: You should clarify, that all sorts of violence against FLINT – no matter the venue – is to be condemned.

@Marie Stumpf and @RBB24: No lager for women and children, abolish all lagers!!

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