Summer Bus tour 21.07 – 04.08

A group of 40 women and 18 children from Berlin/Brandenburg are excitedly looking forward, after the corona lockdowns to our summer bus tour. We will do this in a way, that will try to keep us all safe from Covid.

The Bustour will start in our homeground (Potsdam) with a kick-off action on the 21.07. at 11:00 in Front of Brandenburg Parliament with a rally against Lager and racism. Potsdam Seebrücke is organizing with us the Demonstration. Everybody is welcome to join and support the fight for freedom of movement, for the abolishment of all Lager and against racism. We know: Solidarity wins. On the 4.8. we will come back and hold a standing rally at Oranienplatz in Berlin. In 2019 we claimed back Oranienplatz for the refugee movement in our “Building Bridges Festival”. That is why we will end our tour there with a press conference and food, that will be served. Warm welcome to join us there too and hear of our experience.

In this mood, we will move to Hamburg, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.  We will visit the Lager, do demonstrations against racism and Lager, encourage each other and facilitate empowerment workshops. We will encourage and network with other refugee women*, groups and individuals working with refugee women*. On this tour we will bring into public the isolation, racism, sexism, reports on traumas on those experiencing sleepless nights for fear of deportation and the effects of the corona pandemic. To abolish this racist Lagersystem, we will break borders preventing our participation and build bridges to connect us to other communities. So that refugees will be given the opportunity to choose where we want to live in dignity.

Women in Exile & Friendshave been making summer tours to different German federal states to connect with other refugee women*, especially those living in lager. 

We ask for your financial support and solidarity for this Tour. So that we can work for the empowerment of refugee women*, bring the systematic violation of our rights to the public and work together with other communities for an open and solidarity society. Abolish all Lager! Freedom of movement is everbody’s right!

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