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Demo am 13.06.2015

Start: 14 Uhr Potsdam Hauptbahnhof
Ende: Luisenplatz mit 44 Leningrad

Der Redebeitrag von Women in Exile zum Nachhören

Women in Exile wünscht allen eine gute Demo!


Der Aufruf:

deutsch | français | po polsku | по-русски

Reduce rents! Stop displacement!Impossible to find an affordable place to live?
Residential containers at the edge of town?
No room for self-organized culture in Prussian Disneyland?On 13.06.2015 we walk the streets together for affordable housing in a lively city. We stand against exclusion and repression. The city belongs to us all!
The accommodation of people in residential containers is the sad low point in years of antisocial housing policies in the interest of profit. There are more and more luxury castles and less affordable living space. Soon our work salaries won’t pay for anything more than our rents. Those who don’t keep up will have to move away. We need a radical shift in housing policy. Therefore we take it to the streets and fight together—refugees, newcomers, natives, old and young, families, unemployed and employed—for a vibrant and supportive city.

Continue reading the demo call in English




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