Connected in Feminist Struggle – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S* DAY 2015

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Frauenkampftag 2015Deutsch hier:

For a political and visible International Women’s* day 2015!
Come out on March 8th 2015!
1pm, Berlin, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

International Women’s* Day stands for the struggle for legal, political and economic equality, a self-determined life, for the right to bodily integrity alongside sexual self-determination – against any exploitation of humanity and nature.

Under capitalism women* are doubly exploited and oppressed by sexism.The majority of unpaid but necessary labour at home and in society, as well as poorly paid care and nurturing work is still predominantly performed by women*. Women* are particularly affected by poverty in old-age.

Whether a nurse in Germany or a textile worker in Bangladesh, we stand in solidarity with women’s* struggles for better life and work conditions and for higher wages. Women* with migrant backgrounds often have to work illegally and precariously, and are especially exposed to exploitation, racism and sexism. Women* are underrepresented in research and science.

International Women’s* Day has always also been a day of struggle for peace. Worldwide women* are particularly heavily affected by violence and armed conflict because of their gender, facing rape as a weapon of war and oppression and displacement. However, women* also carry out resistance, as is currently the case in kurdish Rojava. We stand in solidarity with women* fugitives, those in asylum and in resistance. We oppose war, armament, militarisation and exploitation of women*’s rights.

Violence emanating from gender hierarchies is a daily event throughout the world. Every third woman* in Europe has suffered from male violence. Normalisation of sexualised violence and harassment, racist, transphobic,homophobic violence and violence against women* with disabilities severely limits the mobility and self-determination of women*.

Much media reduces girls* to their “future roles as mothers and women*”,reducing them to objects and body (parts). Women*, Trans* and Inter* persons are denigrated and often discriminated against through violence. In this context heterosexuality and monogamy are set as the standard lifestyle. We support sexual self-determination: we demand the removal of § 218 and the decriminalisation of abortion worldwide, access to a free morning-after pill and contraception without prescription.

We actively oppose the so-called ‘March for Life’ of Christian Fundamentalists who count Nazis and AfD members among their ranks. The movement “Worried Parents” protest against adapting school curricula to reflect more diverse lifestyles, even in sex education. Instead we fight for an emancipatory and feminist education that promotes thinking that is critical of patriarchy. We position ourselves firmly against Pediga, who stoke islamophobic racism, propagate obsolete role-models and fuel nationalist baiting.

We as the International Women’s* Day (of Struggle), are part of a resistance and campaign for a self-determining and better life. We are in solidarity in our critique and confrontation of existing conditions.

For a political and visible International Women’s* day 2015!
For this reason: Come out on March 8th 2015!

1pm, Berlin, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Bündnis Frauen*kampftag/ International Women’s* Day of Struggle Coalition

Women* = We asterisked women and girls to imply explicitly trans- and inter-people. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how you’ve been classified, our feminism includes you. We choose to call it International Women’s* Day of Struggle to tie in with previous not yet won feminist struggles. Furthermore we want to include those who do not feel like women but are still discriminated against because of their gender.

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